Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 RUN Commands in Windows:

  • Quickest way to access Run in all versions of Windows:
  • Windows Key+R.

  • To open the Run command in Windows 10, right-click Start Run.
  • In Windows 8 or 7, select Start Run.

CommandWhat It Does
CommandOpens the command prompt.
Compmgmt.mscOpens the computer management console.
Devmgmt.mscOpens the device manager.
Diskmgmt.mscOpens the disk management tool.
Eventvwr.mscOpens the event viewer.
Fsmgmt.mscOpens shared folders.
Gpedit.mscOpens the group policy editor.
Lusrmgr.mscOpens the local users and groups.
Mailto:Opens the default email client.
MsconfigOpens the system configuration utility.
Msinfo32Opens the system information utility.
Perfmon.mscOpens the performance monitor.
RegeditOpens the registry editor.
Rsop.mscOpens resultant set of policy.
Secpol.mscOpens local security settings.
Services.mscOpens services utility.
System.iniWindows loading information.
Win.iniWindows loading information.
WinverShows current version of Windows.

Control Panel Access Run Commands

The following commands access various parts of the Control Panel directly:

CommandWhat It Does
Appwiz.cplAdd/Remove Programs
Timedate.cplDate/Time Properties
Desk.cplDisplay Properties
FontsFonts Folder
Inetcpl.cplInternet Properties
Main.cpl keyboardKeyboard Properties
Main.cplMouse Properties
Mmsys.cplMultimedia Properties
Mmsys.cpl soundsSound Properties
Sysdm.cplSystem Properties

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